my diary
25/10/2023OMG !!! today i am literally dying (ok maybe not actually) but like... today we cleaned out the garden and now my arms and legs hurt ... not good but my dad let me go and buy some chocolates to reward me !!!! so that's good. bad thing is that my thumbs are so shaky from holding that heavy gardening equipment and now i cant really use my phone (idk why only my thumbs shake lol) but yah tiring day but also rlly rewarding because it's so tidy in the garden now :) i want to start growing flowers out there
22/10/2023today is my birthday :) i turned 16. the day was quite a long one actually i would love to share it :D !! first when we woke up, we all went down to the park and the trees were beautiful and the weather was so very lovely :) we took pictures and then we drove around and bought lunch to eat at home. it was rice and chicken and it was amaazingggg (tho it was a little spicy but i love spicy food). later i had to go to my tuition class and i didnt do my homework - because i wasnt given it - i got told off and i was supposed to print out my own homework (with what printer??? and i dont even know what the homework looks like bruh). oh ya, and my friend gave me chocolates and this superduper yummy wafer with vanilla inside i could not stop eating it when i got home yummmmmmmmmm !!!!!! i shared some with my mum and then later i left to go do some maths work because we have mocks soon andi really really wanna do well in maths. my revision got cut short tho because i went to basketball :O . basketball was fun,i kinda ate too much chocolate so i had a bit of a tummy ache for the first half but i was a total star for the second half. my friends hootho and huda took me to go to the masjid after and we listened to the shiekh talk about selected hadiths ! it was a super great day and i had loads of fun
19/10/23today i had school and i had to do PE and PSHE (least favourite parts of school) so i came home pretty grumpy because i ended the day with a pretty dead subject AND i walked home in the pouring rain :( but hopefully tomorrow will be a better day !! :D
site to-do list !!

Heya !! My name is Muntaha and you have stumbled upon my webapge, velvetstarz Prepare to embark on a whimsical journey as I cultivate this digital garden with the tender seeds of love and nurture it with the essence of joy. I hope that this page incites wonder within you.
velvetstarz is no ordinary place on the internet however, dear traveller, it is the very place where my heart unfolds and with every click I seek to captivate your heart, as mine casts its luminous glow onto yours through these cyber pathways.
I welcome you to my virtual world (my virtual world looks best on a 1920 x 1080 screen
current status !!
13/11/23 Not even lying, mocks today were not even that bad. I'm so excited for the English mock but dreading the geography mock tomorrow
16/11/23 Added a custom cursor
13/11/23 Created articles page.
12/11/23 Working on my bookshelf. Some books uploaded. One book review added to book reviews
1/11/23 Added a favicon icon to all the pages
30/10/23 New page backgrounds (kitchen blanket pink was becoming a bit of an eyesore)
25/10/23 Rest of pages revamped. New subpages added to Books
25/10/23 Homepage revamp
25/10/23 Updated scrollbars, no longer default and are now pink
24/10/23 Favicon discovery !!
HAHA, prepare to see this site covered in pink favicons :) !!
23/10/23 About me page updated !! I'm not 15 anymore, I'm 16 YAY!
20/10/23 added this updates bar (lol), fixed the header of the webiste so that it has a cooler and more fun font.