Welcome !!
You've arrived at my books page, here I will talk to you about my favourite books, books I want to read and maybe I will post my reviews :D Since books is a large topic to speak about, I've created subpages to be explored :)
Currently, I've been reading The Scapegoat by Daphne Du Maurier !!! I've been wanting to read this for a while but I havent been able to and like now I'm finally reading it and it's sooo cool!! I really like it :D I love her writing style though i must confess that i found chapter 4 difficult to understand at first because of the overwhelming amount of new characters introduced at once. though i think it might have been intended to do that, after all its a new setting for John too. also i think that daphne du maurier is like the best person ever at ending chapters with a new tone that it started with like i always want to read on by the end of her chapters. I think I'll definitely be writing a review on this book soon after i finished it
Okay, now I will be ranking my top three favourite books that I've read this year :D
- The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. I LOVED THIS BOOK SO MUCH
(except chapter 11, I found it boring. In fact, I skipped the entire chapter because I found it to be such a waste of time)
- Notes from Underground by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. This book was actually really enjoyable, the pace was a little slow at chapter 1, but I quite enjoyed reading the underground man's "notes", but I think I enjoyed chapter 2 of the book far better! I may write a review on this book soon...
- Might sound strange since the only books I've actually been talking about were like books from a billion years ago, but I adore The Hunger Games series by Susanne Collins :) It was such a good read and I love katniss so so much she was honestly so cool and the series was so great
Just know that this list is definitely subject to change... Anyways, I think I'm going to end this page here. Feel free to look around the other pages!!