who am i?
Hi !! I'm Muntaha and I'm a secondary school student in the UK. When I grow up I think I want to be a neurologist but I'm not sure... The future feels so far away even though it isn't (T_T) but for now my mum tells me to focus on my exams and once I finish them I can try facing the future. At the moment, I'm doing my GCSE's and the subjects I chose were computer science, DT and geography. I'm not really sure if I'm going to do anything with a geography or a DT GCSE they aren't exactly my favourite subjects haha xD For A-levels I think I plan to take biology, psychology and maths, that way my options are still pretty open even if I'm not exactly certain on what I want to be. Though I do think that I want to be someone who works in the healthcare sector :D
I like a lot of things actually, (fun fact aboout me, when i was younger my dad would complain about me because apparently "everything was my favourite" tbh im still like this and the other day someone told me "you like everything apparently" and like come on, can't a girl be a liker??? HAHA) the list would go on and on if I did say every single little thing that I liked and I don't think I should really do that ... but the little things that i like are : nature, going on walks, cozy winters, listening to people talk, crocheting
I also have a couple of dislikes though ... well some of these things that I dislike are more like fears xD like blood (which is ironic since I just said I want to work in the healthcare sector lol) I'm also pretty scared of the dark but not like darkness in my room because I'm asleep haha but like darkness like pitch blackness - this fear sprouted from this one time I was in a darkroom and there was literally no light and like what was I expecting but like I was too scared to move because there were other people in the room and I didn't want to hurt them). Now the little things I dislike are : peas, football, unkindness, bad colour schemes